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Choose your categories

A completed entry will include:
1. Entry Form
2. 150 Word Company Profile
3. 1000 Word Submission
4. Company Logo
5. UK Contact Details


1. Corporate of the Year
This award is given to the UK corporate with a turnover of between £25m-£500+ per year that has demonstrated outstanding financial performance across the year, showed strong levels of innovation, and successful investment strategies within its investment portfolios. Enter here

2. Asset Manager of the Year
We recognise the asset manager with strong performance data against fund benchmarks, and one which can demonstrate high levels of innovation in its dealings with UK corporates. Enter here

3. Private Equity Firm of the Year
We reward those private equity firms with strong levels of deal activity and for their roles in the wider M&A ecosystem. Enter here

4. Bank of the Year
These competing institutions are judged on their ability to provide effective financial services like cash management, payment processing, credit products and hedging strategies to mid to large corporations. Enter here

5. Investment Strategy of the Year
We reward the UK corporate, asset manager or consultancy that has implemented an investment strategy setting the standards for the industry to follow. Although creating absolute returns is a measure of success, the judges also want to see how the strategy aligns with objectives. Enter here

6. Sustainable Investment Strategy of the Year
This is awarded to the UK corporate, asset manager or consultancy that can demonstrate that it has conscientiously considered its investment decisions in an ethical and fair way and produced exceptional returns. Enter here

7. ESG Reporting Strategy of the Year - NEW
Awarded to a company that demonstrates exceptional transparency, comprehensive data collection, clear communication of their ESG initiatives, strong alignment with relevant frameworks (like GRI or TCFD), active stakeholder engagement, and a demonstrably impactful approach to addressing material environmental, social, and governance issues, often showcasing measurable progress towards ambitious sustainability goals; essentially, going beyond compliance and using ESG reporting as a tool for positive change and strategic decision-making. Enter here

8. Accountancy Firm of the Year
We reward those accountants that recognise the needs of the UK corporate space and have tailored their services accordingly, with a focus on excellence. Enter here

9. Technology Provider of the Year
Effective and reliable business technology and data management is essential for the successful running of any UK business. This award recognises those providers that are leaders in UK corporate finance technology. Enter here

10. Corporate Consultancy of the Year
We reward those consultancies who can display clear evidence of helping UK corporates to scale up their businesses and achieve fast, profitable growth. Enter here

11. Corporate Administration Provider of the Year
Efficient administration is at the heart of any successful UK business, and we reward those admin providers ensuring that this is the case. Enter here

12. Legal Firm of the Year
Many legal firms across the UK offer services for corporates, but not all show a dedication to understanding the complexities facing businesses in these challenging times. This award will award the firm that stands out in its dedication to understanding the complexities of corporate legislation and works with its clients to see them through the legal maze. Enter here

13. Tax Firm of the Year
Many tax firms across the UK offer services for corporates, but not all show a dedication to understanding the complexities facing businesses in these challenging times. This award will award the firm that stands out in its dedication to understanding the complexities of corporate tax and works with its clients to see them through the legal maze. Enter here

14. Business Lender of the Year
Given to the lender with a wide range of loan products which may be appropriate to assist corporates with capital investment, refinancing of existing debt or business development for example. Enter here

15. Insurance Provider of the Year
Given to the insurance company that can display effective examples and insurance services to protect businesses against risks such as the insolvency etc. Enter here

16. Corporate Partnership of the Year
The Corporate Partnership of the Year award recognises the strongest partnership between two UK corporates that has delivered quantifiable results. Enter here

17. M&A Deal of the Year
This recognises the deal that has helped to consolidate a market share, enhanced competitiveness in the market, saved costs and boosted revenue and growth. Enter here

18. Credit Provider of the Year
Open to regulated firms that supply businesses with credit – whether in forms of direct credit, cards or other methods. Please supply details of affiliations and accreditation, as well as quantifiable data and your entry’s unique services that warrant this award. Enter here

19. Credit Team of the Year
For the team behind the services to businesses that can provide excellent service and show unique qualities and/innovation. This category is open to both inhouse teams and third-party companies in partnership. Judges are looking for improved service levels and performance. Enter here

20. Debt Team of the Year
For the team providing a wide range of debt advice offerings in the UK corporate space, and one which displays strong elements of transparent advice. Enter here

21. Best Use of Artificial Intelligence
This award is given to the UK corporate that can display best use of AI within the overall financial functions of the business. Enter here

22. Diversity Initiative of the Year
This award goes to the UK corporate or those providers working in the UK business arena that have shown a true understanding of the importance of diversity in today's climate, either in the way it has shaped its business, its product offering or otherwise. Enter here

23. Best Corporate Website - NEW
This award is for corporate websites that are used as a portal of information for various stakeholders including analysts, investors and the media. Entries should demonstrate ease of access and navigation as well as addressing the website’s responsiveness. Enter here

24. Marketing Campaign of the Year
Given to the company that can demonstrate an effective and ethical campaign that has helped raise the profile of the corporate finance sector whilst also been a commercial success. Judges will consider the impact of the campaign as well as its creative attributes. Enter here

25.Best Printed Report - NEW
Given to the corporate that uses a printed document to tell its story to stakeholders. Submissions should clearly demonstrate the ease of access to key information. Enter here

26.Best Online Report - NEW
For the organisations that use advanced technology to successfully communicate content to audiences. Enter here

27.Client Communication Award - NEW
Given to the corporate that can display high levels of effective and strategic communication with clients. Enter here

28. Innovation Award
In the fast-moving world its essential to continue to innovate and keep pushing forward with new concepts and ideas. This award goes to the company, whether inhouse or third-party, that can show that they have truly created an evolution in the market. Enter here

29. Corporate Finance Team of the Year
This recognises the corporate finance team displaying evidence of effective management of money and financial risks in a UK corporate. Enter here

30. Chief Financial Officer of the Year
This award aims to recognise those CFOs that have truly made their mark in the UK corporate finance space. The CFOs must nominate themselves explaining in 100 words or more why you think you should win this award along with a large, high res photo. Our judging panel will then judge accordingly. Enter here